SMART goals for 2014

So it's a new year and with a new year comes new challengers, new adventures, new journeys and New Years resolutions. Well maybe for some people. I spent the last week trying to come up with something and I have decided I don't like the term resolutions. They never stick, they are always far fetched and people forget about them in a month. Most people try going to the gym more, drinking less coffee, spending less money, spending more time with family, etc etc. But what I find in these attempts are people who try for a month or so and forget even what their resolution was when April rolls around.

The term resolutions makes me think of something people make and forget. The term goal is something I look at as a challenge. I was talking with my boss the other day about my work objectives for 2014. My work has us all set goals and objectives as a team and an individual for us to follow. I am held accountable to these goals to succeed in my job and the possibility of a bonus at the end of the year. This is a way for me to have motivation to reach my goals and it works!

As I was racking my brain for my goals and objectives, my boss reminded me a good trick to use when creating goals- be SMART. Goals must be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and follow a Time. I like to think of these tricks for my personal life as well as work. When setting goals for the year, they have to fit all 5 categories or they won't stick. I want to lose weight. OK well, is this specific? Follow a timeline? Measurable? Nice goal, but be more specific! I want to lose 20 pounds by May for a friends wedding. Specific- weight lose, Measurable- 20 lbs, Achievable - yes but if it was 100 lbs I'd so know way, Realistic- it could happen if I set my mind to it, Timeline- by my friend May wedding. Now this is a SMART goal.

So as we progress into 2014 and think about those resolutions we may or may not have created, lets set some goals instead. But remember to be SMART about them!

Until Next Time,

Almond Girl 


No moisture = Poling


Winter shaking