National Agriculture Day

Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much. Helen Keller said it best. I find this so true today and this week as we celebrate National Agriculture week. As an industry we need to stand together and celebrate all we do together. We are not dairyman, we are not cattle ranchers, we are not wheat farmers or even almond farmers, we are agriculture. We come together for the good of all things agriculture.

 This was the case this weekend for me as well. I attended a joint meeting with the California Women for Agriculture and the California Cattlewomen. Together we shared our stories and our passions for agriculture and educating our consumers. We were blessed to have a number of female speakers inspire us through their work. We are not all farmers and ranchers we are educators, lovers of food, industry representatives. Education outreach is just as important in ensuring our children are knowledgable of agriculture and the truth. There are a number of commodity groups and organizations that focus on agriculture classroom education that are all doing great work. It was a weekend full of great speakers, fellow bloggers, commodity representatives, and farmers themselves that I inspired me to do more. To reach more. To educate more.

I grew up on my family farm, studied agriculture in college and married a farmer. I've been in farming my whole life. Other farmers have stumbled upon agriculture or fallen into it accidentally. Sometimes those farmers are even more passionate about the industry then those who grew up surrounded by it. Others I've meet are school teachers, government employees or bankers who just want to be involved and educated about agriculture. Regardless of how you got here, I'm glad we can come together to celebrate agriculture.

But let's not less this celebration end today! It is this National Agriculture Week that I challenge you to come together and help educate of the importance of agriculture in their lives! It is our responsibility as stewards of the land to celebrate agriculture and share your passion for agriculture.

Until Next Time,

 Almond Girl


Brussel Sprouts with Sliced Almonds


Almond Bars