Why am I an agvocate?

Today marks a milestone in my life. It seems crazy to me, but I have been blogging for three years now. Most days I feel like I am a newbie and am still getting my feet wet in this whole thing. Some days, I feel like I have been doing this forever and struggle with what and how to say things. Blogging has taught me one thing though, I am an advocate for agriculture. An agvocate if you will.

Writing this blog is merely one aspect of being an agvocate. I blog, I am active on social media with agriculture discussions, I do agriculture interviews for magazines and newspapers, I serve on a number of boards and committees that represent agriculture. But why? Why am I an agvocate?

Lately, I have noticed more and more that not everyone understands why people agvocate. I don't simply do this because I woke up one morning and it sounded fun. Some days, it isn't fun at all. The days people question my agenda, my desire, my passion, those days make me mad. But something I have come to realize, it that not everyone gets it. Not everyone loves what they do. Some look at their job as a mere job. Some look for negative in others. Some are jealous.

I take pride in what I do. I grew up with a passion for agriculture, it was instilled in me by people who loved what they did. My parents and grandparents loved farming, it wasn't a job, it was an opportunity to enjoy your daily life. I always knew I wanted to love my life as they did.

Agriculture is loving the land, cherishing the land that allows you to prosper from it. I learned at a young age, that if you loved the land it would love you back. You treat the land well, and it will do well. Or we wouldn't be able to pass that land on. One day, if my children so desire, I want them to have the same opportunities I had. If they want to farm, I want there to be a farm for them.

California is in a tough place. California agriculture is struggling to survive. Farmers are a dying breed. Without families and individuals sharing what we do and how we do it, we will cease to exist. My great Grandfather settled in Chico, California from Italy. He came to California to be a farmer. He came to a new land with hopes and aspirations that he knew America could offer him. Today, farmers' hopes are to simply stay in business next year. If I don't share my story, who will?

Agvocating gives me a means to share my love and passion for agriculture. It is a chance to share my story. Share me. Be authentic. Be myself.

Not everyone will like it. Not everyone will appreciate it. But I don't do this for others. I don't share for you. I share for me, my future. If I don't share my story, someone else will. And then it won't be right. If I just sit back and let others talk, my message won't be told; their message will be.

California agriculture has to succeed. I have to succeed. My livelihood and my children's future depends on it. Agriculture and farming are not a job to me, they are my life. Farming is a way of life, a lifestyle. A lifestyle that teaches work ethic, responsibility, dedication, appreciation, and love. My dream is that some day my children will also learn those qualities the way I did. By being an agvocate I am planning for the future.

Until Next Time,

Almond Girl Jenny




Inside Look: Weiss McNair, Nut harvesting equipment