
My life couldn't be more summed up in a better quote right now. It has been a challenging summer to say the least. While it is easy to say life will continue to go on, it is sometimes hard to coup.

My baby daughter arrived two days after the funeral of my grandmother. My grandma had a rough few months leading up to her passing. She suffered a fall in November that triggered an increase in her Dementia. As it tends to happen at the end of our lives, one little thing after another added up and led to her being placed on hospice care the beginning of June.

I was lucky to head up to say my goodbyes with only 3 weeks left of my pregnancy. I wasn't supposed to travel, but I knew if I didn't go then, I might not be able to go later. Well turns out my instincts were right. My grandmother passed away less than a week before my due date. Her funeral was on my due date, so I was unable to travel to be there.

My grandma and my daughter now share a middle name to remember and honor her forever.

Loss has an interesting way of presenting itself. I'd like to think that a little bit of my grandma was reborn with my daughter. It is sad to think that they will never meet, but I know she has an extra special guardian angel now.

As I look back and reminisce on the times I had with my Grandma, I am thankful and glad of the memories I have. It is those memories that I will share and pass on to my children. Grandparents are a special friend to small children and hold a place in our hearts forever. I can only hope that my children will cherish the times they share with my parents and forever be grateful of those memories.

Memories are with us forever. The material possessions that ones leave behind may help us to remember those times, but they too don't last forever. The only things that will be with us forever are the moments we shared together and keep in our hearts.

I quickly realized that when I wasn't able to be present for my grandma's passing or funeral, my memories I have are what I need to remember and share. The new life that I bring into the world will carry on new memories. The chances I get to reminisce with my children of the generations before them, will hopefully share a place in their heart as it does mine.

May our memories never fade and our hearts always be open to new ones.

Until Next Time,

Almond Girl Jenny


We're number one!


Almond Peach Cobbler Muffins